Never miss a tender again.

Discover and qualify new tenders with ease.

Save time

Spend less time searching for relevant tenders with the help of AI.

Maximize your influence

Know exactly which tender will be rebid and mobilize your sales.

Improve win rate

Gain insights, qualify easily, and anticipate quickly. Outsmart your competition.

Automatically generate your bid - no bid overview

Qualify, analyze and respond to tenders with ease. Assess tenders >50% faster with our all-in-one AI-based solution.
Save time: With the help of AI, reading, analyzing and understanding the tender documents is faster than ever. Find information faster, reduce the time searching for information.
Reduce failure costs: Miss less information. Humans and machines read in parallel and both detect points of attention and risks. Information is automatically classified and linked.
Increase quality: By eliminating manual repetitive tasks, there is more time left to empathize with the customer's demand, think about strategy, and engage in creative human activities.
Tender announcements, updates & documents.

BOSA e-Procurement

Tender announcements, updates & documents.
Tender announcements, updates & documents.

AFD - Agence française de développement

Tender announcements, updates & documents.
Tender announcements, updates & documents.


Tender announcements, updates & documents.
Relevant procurement notices.

Contracts Finder UK

Relevant procurement notices.
Tender announcements, updates & documents.

Mercell Source-to-Contract

Tender announcements, updates & documents.
Relevant United Nations procurement opportunities.

United Nations Global Marketplace

Relevant United Nations procurement opportunities.
Tender announcements, updates & documents.

CTM Solutions

Tender announcements, updates & documents.
European Public Tender announcements, updates & documents.

Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)

European Public Tender announcements, updates & documents.
Tender announcements, updates & documents.


Tender announcements, updates & documents.

BOSA e-Procurement

Tender announcements, updates & documents.

AFD - Agence française de développement

Tender announcements, updates & documents.


Tender announcements, updates & documents.

Contracts Finder UK

Relevant procurement notices.

Mercell Source-to-Contract

Tender announcements, updates & documents.

United Nations Global Marketplace

Relevant United Nations procurement opportunities.

CTM Solutions

Tender announcements, updates & documents.

Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)

European Public Tender announcements, updates & documents.


Tender announcements, updates & documents.

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