Accelerate Tender Insights

Brainial’s AI-powered tools streamline your tender process by delivering faster, more accurate Bid/No-Bid decisions, simplifying information retrieval, and providing instant answers through an interactive chat feature. Save time and make better-informed decisions with enhanced insights and efficiency.

Save time
Reduce costs
Increase Quality
Tender ANALysis

Faster and deeper understanding

Make 50% faster, more informed Bid/No-Bid decisions with Brainial's AI-powered tools, designed to help you find inconsistencies, miss less critical information, and gain deeper insights for better decision-making.
Comprehensive analysis of each company-specific topic without overlooking information.
Compare and identify inconsistencies with relevant passages conveniently placed under each other.
AI prediction of the most relevant passages per topic for quick insights.
Tender chat

Interactive Tender Chat

Enhance your tender process with our Interactive Tender Chat, allowing you to ask targeted questions and receive instant, precise answers. Every response includes clear source references, ensuring you know exactly where the information originates, helping you find what you need without sifting through lengthy documents.
Ask targeted questions about the content of your tender documents and receive immediate answers.
Built-in source acknowledgement for each answer, so you always know exactly where the information came from.
Find the right information quickly and efficiently without having to search through hundreds of pages.

Trusted by leading enterprises

Our customers are happy to tell you about their results with Brainials Bid & Tender Management Software. Below is a selection of our customers.

Learn how to create better proposals faster

We love to guide you through our AI driven Bid & Tender management solution
to explore the potential for you and your company.
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Experience the value of AI for Bid & Tender Management